Pulmonary Hypoplasia Doctor in Michigan
Pulmonary Hypoplasia Doctor in Oakland County and Wayne County Michigan

What is Pulmonary Hypoplasia?
Pulmonary hypoplasia is a congenital condition characterized by underdeveloped lungs. It is often associated with various conditions that impede normal fetal lung growth, leading to impaired respiratory function.
How is pulmonary hypoplasia diagnosed?
Pulmonary hypoplasia is typically diagnosed during pregnancy or shortly after birth. Ultrasound scans may reveal signs of underdeveloped lungs in the fetus. After birth, chest X-rays, lung function tests, and blood tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis.
Dr. Asker Asmi, MD is a certified pulmonologist, and sleep disorders doctor in Michigan
Dr. Asmi’s Beaumont Hospital Page
Dr. Asmi’s Henry Ford Profile Page
Dr. Asmi is a Pulmonologist and sleep specialist based in Michigan that specializes in advanced COPD. He follows a multidisciplinary treatment plan that includes nutrition, medicine, lifestyle changes, damage prevention and active treatment with close follow up. Doctor Asmi’s expertise include Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. Dr. Asmi is also affiliated with Beaumont Hospital and runs a private practice in Riverview, MI.
What are the symptoms of pulmonary hypoplasia?
Symptoms:The symptoms of pulmonary hypoplasia include:
- Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing.
- Blue discoloration of the skin (cyanosis).
- Chronic respiratory distress.
- Low birth weight.
- Heart murmurs.
- Delayed developmental milestones.
What are the causes of pulmonary hypoplasia?
Pulmonary hypoplasia can be caused by various conditions that impede normal fetal lung growth, such as:
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH): A condition where the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities, does not form correctly.
- Oligohydramnios: A condition characterized by a significantly lower than normal amount of amniotic fluid.
- Premature birth or preterm labor.
- Compressive lesions: Tumors or other growths that compress the lungs, such as congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS).
What are the treatments for pulmonary hypoplasia?
Treatment for pulmonary hypoplasia depends on its underlying cause. Some patients may benefit from supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation to support their breathing. Others may require surgery to correct the underlying condition, such as repairing a diaphragmatic hernia or removing an obstructive growth.
How can the risks of pulmonary hypoplasia be mitigated?
While some cases of pulmonary hypoplasia are unavoidable due to genetic factors or other underlying conditions, certain measures can be taken to minimize the risk:
- Prenatal care and regular checkups during pregnancy.
- Early prenatal diagnosis and intervention for conditions such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia or oligohydramnios.
- Proper management of labor and delivery, especially in high-risk cases.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the long-term implications of pulmonary hypoplasia?
The severity of pulmonary hypoplasia varies from case to case. Some individuals may have only mild respiratory issues, while others may require lifelong support for their breathing.
Can pulmonary hypoplasia be corrected with medication?
There is no specific medication that can correct pulmonary hypoplasia itself. However, medications may be used to manage symptoms and improve lung function in some cases.
Is pulmonary hypoplasia hereditary?
Some cases of pulmonary hypoplasia have a genetic component, but not all do. The cause of the condition should be determined through a thorough evaluation.
What is the prognosis for individuals with pulmonary hypoplasia?
The prognosis depends on the severity of the lung underdevelopment and any underlying conditions that may be present. With proper medical care, many individuals can lead relatively normal lives, while others may require lifelong support for their respiratory function.